At the undergraduate and masters level, I teach courses on the theory and applications of machine learning, which include practical experience for students with a data analytics project. At the PhD level, I teach classes on the foundations of continuous and convex optimization and their modern applications to and connections with statistical learning.
Teaching Experience at UC Berkeley (Instructor)
Spring 2024:
IEOR 242A Machine Learning and Data Analytics I (MAnalytics/MEng)
IEOR 142B/242B Machine Learning and Data Analytics II (Undergraduate/MAnalytics/MEng)
Fall 2023:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
Spring 2023:
IEOR 242A Machine Learning and Data Analytics I (MAnalytics/MEng)
IEOR 262B Mathematical Programming II (PhD/MS)
Fall 2022:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
Spring 2022:
IEOR 262B Mathematical Programming II (PhD/MS)
Fall 2021:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
Spring 2021:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
Spring 2020:
IEOR 262B Mathematical Programming II (PhD/MS)
Fall 2019:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
Spring 2019:
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
IEOR 290 Modern Optimization for Statistical Learning (PhD/MS/MEng)
Fall 2018:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
Spring 2018:
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
IEOR 290 Modern Optimization for Statistical Learning (PhD/MS/MEng)
Fall 2017:
IEOR 142 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Undergraduate)
Spring 2017:
IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analysis (MEng)
IEOR 290 Modern Optimization for Statistical Learning (PhD/MS/MEng)